Showing posts with label easy quit smoking system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easy quit smoking system. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Quit Smoking?

To answer the question "how long does it take to quit smoking?", you may want to think about how long you have been smoking. On the other hand many ex-smokers are of the view that it does not matter how long you have been smoking. When you ask them "how long does it take to quit smoking?" their response is, "how badly do you want to quit smoking?" They say that no matter how long you have been smoking, you can quit smoking the moment or second you decide to quit. How about that?

When you ask a pharmacist "how long does it take to quit smoking?", they would probably say, about three months or so? Why? Because that is how long it takes for one of the most effective smoking cessation drug takes to work.

I asked a friend who has quit smoking, "how long does it take to quit smoking?" and she answered "it takes as long as you can keep your mind off smoking?" She added that to keep your mind off smoking, you have to keep yourself fully occupied; physically and mentally.

In the final analysis, the question, "how long does it take to quit smoking?" comes down to motivation, your desire to quit and why you have to quit smoking. In terms of why you have to quit smoking, the following article would be helpful.

Quit Smoking Cigarettes 

Quit Smoking before Your Health Quits
Quit smoking campaigns, slogans, warnings, posters etc., go back as far as one cares to remember. Have they had the desired effects? Perhaps a little but certainly not significant enough. Many are still smoking their way to an early death if not ruining their health in the process. The number of smokers is on the rise and the tragic part of the statistics is that it includes a large number of young smokers.Though smoking is broadly defined as the inhaling of tobacco smoke, cigarette smoking takes center stage because of its popularity. Why quit? It is because it wrecks havoc on your health and more so the health of others not to mention the unbearable odour that stays on smokers and other associated effects.

Why Must You Quit Smoking?
Just inhale and dwell on the following for a moment:
  • When you smoke a cigarette, it burns at 700°C at the tip and in the region of 60°C in the middle producing all manner of toxins. Added to this is the fact that cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and 400 toxic substances.
  • The most damaging products are tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. Tar is known to cause cancer,nicotine increases cholesterol levels and carbon monoxide starves your body of oxygen.
  • Smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years. The number of people below the age of 70 who die from smoking-related diseases exceeds the total figure for deaths caused by breast cancer, AIDS, traffic accidents and drug addiction.
  • Cardiovascular diseases in the form of coronary thrombosis, cerebral thrombosis and high blood pressure in addition to lung cancer are common in smokers. In terms of cancer, smokers are usually found to suffer from cancers of the balder, oesophagus, kidney and pancreas. In women smokers, cervical cancer is becoming increasingly common.
How To Quit Smoking?
Starting is easy. Stopping is, to say the least, very difficult. The common advice is to start by cutting down on the number of cigarettes smoked daily and substituting cigarettes with less harmful substances like chewing gum. These and simply putting their minds on quitting and sheer determination seems to have worked for some. For others, nicotine replacement treatment through the use gum, skin patches or nasal spray has been the answer. Yet others have found a remedy with medicines, behaviour modification programs and in alternative therapies including acupuncture and hypnosis.

The remedy depends on the profile of the smoker including age, how long the person has been smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked daily. Generally, certain medicines have been found to be an effective smoking cessation aid for smokers dependent on nicotine. Alternatively, you may prefer an all natural quit smoking system.

More on these and the horrors of smoking

To quit smoking you have to try and find out what works best for you. Usually, it takes several attempts to be able to quit. As an aid to stop smoking, many people have found the use of medicines to be easy, safe and effective. In using such medicines, the common concern is over side effects. Therefore, in considering medication, it is important to be assured that the medication is endorsed by reputed medical professionals.

A new product for smoking cessation is now available. It works by reducing the severity of the smoker's urge to smoke and alleviating many of the withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. The product has been approved for use in the US, UK and European Union countries. It has also been very recently approved for use in Japan which has a very stringent approval process, particularly for healthcare products. Or do you prefer the all natural quit smoking system? Why and how can you quit smoking and live life healthy

Article Source: Azhar Victor
Find out more at or click here to quit smoking.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Best Way To Quit Smoking: Use The Easy Quit Smoking System

Is there a best way to quit smoking?Yes, there is but you have to find out what works best for you. Many ex-smokers believe that the best way to quit smoking is to use the easy quit smoking system. Why? Because with the easy quit smoking system, you will learn that the best way to quit smoking is to know how to quit smoking. Further, many have found that the easy quit smoking system is the best way to quit smoking due to there being no sense of loss or deprivation. Therefore, they are free of the demon that draws people away from their resolve to quit smoking - their desperate craving for nicotine.

More reasons why the easy quit smoking system is the best way to quit smoking. Many of those who quit smoking, find that they get more hungry more often. This leads to weight gain and its associated problems.

With the easy quit smoking system you will not have to "psyche" yourself up everyday and neither will you have to work according to a schedule. It is the best way to quit smoking because you can do it without drugs, any form of breathing exercise or even hypnosis. To quit smoking, you have to overcome the denial mode. Smoking does not give pleasure. That is just a smoke screen. What is the reality? The following article may help you come to terms with why you have to quit smoking:

Smoking Causes Mouth Cancer - 8 Smoke Signals

Quit Smoking Warnings
To deter people from smoking, cigarette packs carry a warning that smoking is hazardous to health. Obviously that has not achieved the objective as the number of smokers keeps on increasing. There is now a suggestion, surprisingly from smokers, that the warning be also printed on each cigarette. Perhaps, it is now time to consider printing actual pictures of victims of lung, heart and other diseases linked directly to or associated with smoking. The faces of the victims can be blanked out to protect privacy. Another option would be to print pictures of diseased organs due to smoking. Grotesque? Yes, but the message may be conveyed more effectively.

Signs Of Mouth Cancer
It is well known that smoking causes lung cancer. Now there is growing evidence that it also causes mouth or oral cancer. In the United States alone, 30,000 new cases of mouth cancer are reported each year. Many, unfortunately, will die from it. Mouth cancer includes cancer of the lips, mouth, tongue, gums and salivary glands. Though it is easy to detect as it can be seen and felt, it is usually passed off as some other less harmful condition. It is easy to understand why as we look at some of the signs of mouth cancer:
  1. A persistent sore throat and stubborn lumps in the mouth.
  2. Dark, white or red patches that are out of the ordinary.
  3. Constant pain, bleeding and numbness in the mouth.
  4. Swelling or thickening of the cheeks due to tissue growth.
  5. Difficulty in swallowing, chewing or moving the tongue.
  6. Problems with jaw movement due swelling and pain.
  7. Pain in and around the teeth and loosening of teeth.
  8. A lump in the neck and bad breath.
Have It Checked
If you are a smoker, it is particularly critical that you seek further medical evaluation of some of the signs listed above. For non-smokers, be aware that these signs could be serious especially when they are persistent and do not go away easily. Follow-up with a visit to your doctor. Even with or without these signs, smokers must be persuaded to quit smoking as they are putting their lives at greater and fatal health risks. Many have quit smoking by putting themselves on a currently popular stop smoking pill that has little or nil side effects. Are you wise enough to try it and get a new breath of life? It is easy to reach out and light-up another cigarette. However, only people who appreciate life and have something or someone worth living for would want to stop doing so. Is your life worth the effort? Are you strong enough to want to quit smoking?

Do you want to quit smoking? Do you want to save yourself from further devastating damage to your health? Do you want to do it for the sake of your loved ones? You can do it without the usual adverse side effects and severe withdrawal or "cold turkey" symptoms. Chose to live live life healthy - Quit Smoking.

Article Source: Azhar Victor

To win the war and quit smoking, never give up. Keep looking for a solution. Click here for one.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is There An Easy Quit Smoking System?

Yes, there is an easy quit smoking system that can help anyone who wants to quit smoking cigarettes. You can stop the frustration of trying to quit smoking. You can now be an ex-smoker the moment you discover the easy quit smoking system. It does not matter whether you have tried hypnosis, acupuncture, sheer will power,herbs, patches or some other quit smoking treatment and failed. You can finally rest easy with the easy quit smoking system.

If you want to quit smoking or want to help someone quit smoking, here is the good news. With the easy quit smoking system, you will simply learn how to stop smoking forever. Suffer no more. No more bad breath, body odour or feeling depressed and tired in between cigarettes. Suffer no more from the anguish of waiting for the next fix. Yes, the easy quit smoking system will free you from all your suffering and anguish.

To quit smoking,  you must learn how to do it. How do you overcome your seemingly uncontrollable craving? How do you quit smoking without making an herculean effort to do so? What is the secret? The secret is not in will power, effort or ability. It is in knowing how to quit smoking. It is just a skill and like all other skills, you can master it. To help you resolve to be an ex-smoker, you will  find the following article helpful:

Quit Smoking - Each Puff Kills

Help Yourself See The Signs
Quit smoking signs and the dangers of smoking are all too obvious to be missed. Yet, people carry on smoking and in fact, the number of smokers, sadly, young smokers is on the rise. Each puff not only slowly kills the smoker but all others who have the misfortune to passively inhale cigarette smoke. Parents with young healthy children polluting their homes, damaging the health of their loved ones and setting a bad example, are all too common. Many are dying young, leaving children without the parental love that is so vital in the early years of a child. It should be enough for one to read the relevant blogs, forums and so many sites online to want to quit smoking. However, to those who are addicted, it takes more to kick the habit. Cigarette packs carry a warning on the effects of smoking. Yet, it has not deterred the poor victims. There is a suggestion that the warning be printed on each cigarette. Would it help?

The Damage
Cigarette smoke leaves a sickly stench. Cigarette odor sticks to clothing, body, breath, sweat and it tends to "hang" in the air making people especially non-smokers sick. Smoking has been directly linked to lung cancer in addition to being associated with a number of diseases. Smokers report of breathlessness, wheezing, difficulty in walking up the stairs, sleeping disorders and a host of other problems. But why don't they quit smoking? Many want to but think they cannot. Will power is a big factor. You must want to quit smoking and then have the mental strength to do it. Initially, there may be some slight adverse reactions or withdrawal symptoms. You need to be strong enough to be able to ride them out. Not give up at the first sign of a bad dream for example and reach for the poison.

Can It Be Given Up?
If you want to, yes, it certainly can be done. There are people who have been on 35 cigarettes a day for over forty years and have been able to quit in 13 days. There are those on 20 a day and have quit much earlier. Can this be done with sheer will power? Perhaps, where such will power is extraordinarily strong. Most of us however, need some assistance. Many have succeeded with a currently popular quit smoking pill. The pill causes smokers to develop a distaste for cigarettes. It works by both stimulating and blocking specific nicotine receptors in the brain.

The dual effects are reduced craving for nicotine and a weaker response to give in to the temptation to light-up. Additionally, it helps alleviate withdrawal symptoms. Though the pill has been proven to work, the cigarette "pushers" would make it difficult through all sorts of reports on some isolated adverse effects. These actually need not cause a scare as the relevant healthcare regulatory bodies and agencies would be monitoring such effects and act on them where necessary. If the pill is not for you, there is an all natural quit smoking system that is proving to be very effective.

More on how to quit smoking and what is available to help you do it.

Do you want to quit smoking? Do you want to save yourself from further devastating damage to your health? Do you want to do it for the sake of your loved ones? You can do it without the usual adverse side effects and severe withdrawal or "cold turkey" symptoms.

Article Source: Azhar Victor"

Click on the easy quit smoking system and be an ex smoker.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

End 2009 Quitting Cigarette Smoking. Start The New Year As An Ex Smoker

There is just about a little over a month before 2009 closes in on you forever. Wouldn't it would be wonderful if you can end 2009 by quitting cigarette smoking? Why? Because it would be one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones for the new year; the precious gift of better health.

You,like many smokers,want to give up the habit. You know that it is hazardous to your health,the habit is becoming more and more expensive,smoking is disgusting,it pollutes and worst of all it is bad for those around you. Is there any smoker who would encourage their children to start smoking?

You know it is bad,really really bad especially for your health. You want to give it up but it seems so difficult. Actually,it need not be. It is not a matter of trying hard. It is more a matter of knowing why you smoke and how to beat it. Yes you can end 2009 by quitting cigarette smoking.

You have tried many times but failed. Patches,sprays, gums and others. If in your case,these did not work,do not give up. Its just that your addiction to nicotine needs a different approach.

No? You cannot go without smoking cigarettes? Do you smoke while you are asleep?

Yes you can. You will end 2009 quitting cigarette smoking. It is easy when you understand how the cigarette smoking process works and put in place a system that gets rid of the habit. There is no mystery here. Just answers. To end 2009 quitting cigarette smoking, visit EasyQuitSystem.

To a healthier New Year and all things good.